The Symbol of Hope

Happy Fourth of July!
Sanctuary Church’s youth group, Revolution: Youth, has started their own blog for the summer on super heroes. Following in the same manner, I thought we might join in on the discussion! Check out their blog, Revolution Heroes, for more.

How much more All-American can you get than Superman? Recently, I went to go see “Man of Steel,” as I’m sure most of you did as well. The part of the movie that struck me the most was the discussion about what Superman’s shield symbol stands for. In one scene, Lois asks Superman what that “S” is all about and he responds that it’s the Kryptonian symbol for hope. Lois’s reply laughs it off with the comment that on Earth it’s an “S.” Like Superman, Christians all carry the symbol for hope branded upon us even in our name – “Little Christ.” Shouldn’t we all boldly wear it plastered over our hearts in the same red and blue manner as Superman?

Mark 10:45 says, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.” Jesus bore the symbol of hope as he was crucified on the cross. Shouldn’t we at least–as followers of Christ Jesus under His name, endowed with the Great Commission, and filled with His Spirit–bear that same symbol of hope in our conversations with others, through our actions, and everyday life? It should be an honor, not taken lightly, to be put under the same name as Christ and carry His same message of faith, hope and love.

Unfortunately, however, the world has put a PR spin on the name “Christian” and distorted it’s meaning. Much like how Lois re-brands the symbol for hope into one for “Superman.” It is up to us, as believers and members of the body of Christ, to re-claim the word “Christian” and walk in it with pride. We are “little Christ’s” given the authority of His name to walk this Earth as light and salt sent to serve and not be served, to seek and save, and to proclaim the hope that through Christ we are saved, set free and empowered.